Last weekend(1/21/2018), I have launched my service named ‘Yusic’ which is a compound word(Youtube + Music). Yusic has been providing a music video to people who like K-pop, expecially from underground singers from Youtube. The reason I made the Yusic is that I figured out that there are many foreigner(not korean) who like K-pop in USA. As a result, I have made the Yusic. Even though it has simple functions, I used a variable of skills like Async, DessignPattern, Rx, React etc.
Site URL:
Used Key Technologies
- Back-end
- java 8
- Spring4
- Aysnc Server architecuture using DeferredResult, ComplableFutre
- MariaDB, HikariCP
- Lombok
- AWS (Loadbalancing, EC2)
- Youtube API
- Front-end
- Themeleaf
- React
- React-redux
- React-saga
- Webpack
- Webpack-dev-server
- Babel
- Axios
- material-ui
In the Future, I am going to share about all I had issuses